Most of my figures were sourced on eBay, or from the original retailers. Clicking on the game titles below will open an accordion menu with links to various figures. Any names in red is something I'd like to own or am keeping an eye out for (or in the case of the Transcendent Artist line, something I can only dream of owning). Names in orange are items on preorder that I'm waiting on. Please note that this isn't a complete collection (or list) of every figure SQEX has ever put out - only the ones I'm interested in. They're taking up too much space as-is...
SNES-Era (I through VI)
[FFIII] [Trading Arts Mini, 2007]
Luneth / Arc / Ingus / Refia (Devout / Dragoon / Magus / Dark Knight)Compilation of FFVII
[Extra Knights, 1997]
Cloud / Aerith (& Chocobo) / Barret / Red XIII / Tifa (& Frog) / Vincent / Sephiroth[10th Anniversary Trading Arts Mini, 2007]
Cloud / Cloud (AC) / Zack / Sephiroth / Vincent / Aerith / Tifa / Reno&Rude[Crisis Core Play Arts, 2009]
Zack / Cloud (trooper) / Aerith[Advent Children Play Arts Kai, 2013-2018]
Cloud / Tifa / Rufus / Vincent / Yuffie / Barret / Red XIII / Sephiroth / Cid & Cait Sith[Remake Play Arts Kai, 2017-2022]
Cloud / Barret / Tifa / Aerith / Reno / Rude / Rufus / Red XIII / Jessie / Aerith (Wall Market) / Tifa (Wall Market) / Yuffie / SononFinal Fantasy VIII
[FFVIII] [Bandai Extra Soldier, 1999]
Squall / Seifer / Zell / Selphie / Quistis / Rinoa / Edea / Laguna / Angelo / Moomba[FFVIII] Kotobukiya 1/6 scale, 1999]
Squall / Rinoa / Selphie / Quistis / Seifer / Laguna[FFVIII] [Guardian Force, 1999]
Ifrit / Siren / Shiva / Odin / Cerberus / Odin / Gilgamesh / Diabolos / Bahamut[FFVIII] The Holy Grail: Kotobukiya's Transcendent Artist (1999) line
Squall & Bahamut / Rinoa & Siren / Selphie, Quistis & Leviathan / Zell, Irvine & Diabolos / Seifer & OdinFinal Fantasy IX - X
[FFIX] [Extra Soldier, 2000]
Zidane & Vivi / Garnet & Steiner / Eiko & Amarant / Freya & Quina[FFIX] [Play Arts, 2009]
Zidane / Garnet / Vivi[FFIX] [Bring Arts, 2019-2020]
Zidane & Garnet / Steiner & Vivi / Beatrix & Freya / Eiko & Quina / Kuja & Amarant[FFX] [Play Arts, 2006]
Tidus / Yuna / Auron[FFX] [Play Arts Kai, 2014]
Tidus / Yuna[FFX-2] [Play Arts, 2004]
Yuna / Rikku / PaineIvalice Alliance
[FFXII] [Play Arts Kai, 2016-2017]
Balthier / Fran / GabranthMaster Creatures Vol. 2 (2007)
Mateus the Corrupt[FF Tactics] [Trading Arts, 2007]
Ramza / Agrias / Delita / Ovelia / BalthierFabula Nova Crystallis
[FFXIII] [Trading Arts Mini, 2009]
Lightning / Snow / Hope / Vanille / Fang / Sazh[FFXIII] [Trading Arts, 2010]
Lightning / Hope / Sazh / Serah / Jihl[FFXIII] [Play Arts Kai, 2009-2010]
Lightning / Snow / Hope / Vanille / Fang / Sazh / Serah / Odin / Shiva Sisters[FFXIII-2] [Play Arts Kai, 2011-2012]
Lightning / Serah[Lightning Returns] [Play Arts Kai, 2013]
LightningFinal Fantasy XIV
[Bring Arts, 2019-2024]
Estinien / Y'shtola / Alphinaud / AlisaieFinal Fantasy XVI
[Play Arts Kai, 2024] Clive / Torgal / Joshua / Jill / Dion / Cid / Benedikta / Hugo / BarnabusDissidia, Misc, & Others
[Variant Arts, Play Arts Kai, 2014]
Hero of Light / Dragoon[Dissidia, Play Arts Kai, 2011-2018]
Cloud / Gabranth / Squall / Lightning / Terra[Dissidia Trading Arts, 2009-2011]
Warrior of Light / Cloud / Squall / Zidane / Tidus / Firion / Cecil / Terra / Sephiroth / Bartz[Static Arts Busts, 2017-2018]
Sephiroth / Lightning / Regis / Warrior of Light[Trading Arts]
Volume 1 (2004)
Cloud / Sephiroth / Vivi / Rinoa / Yuna / Lulu / ZackVolume 2 (2006)
Rikku / Tifa / Vincent / Selphie / Zidane / Tidus / Vincent (Turk)[Trading Arts Mini]
Volume 1 (2007}
Cloud / Rinoa / Yuna / Vaan / PeneloVolume 2 (2008}
Tifa / Squall / Auron / Ashe / BaschVolume 3 (2008}
Balthier / Fran / Aerith / Tidus / RikkuVolume 4 (2009}
Sephiroth / Yuffie / Zidane / Vivi / Yuna
If you think it looks cluttered, that's because it is.

A rare showing of non-FF figs.

I did a 200 mile round journey to pick these up.

Don't talk to me or my four Tifas or Aeriths or two Zacks ever again.

Fabula Nova Crystallis, represent.

Vaan's getting the Mike Wazowski treatment.

I ran out of space and needed an "everything else" shelf.