The Warrior of Light's been through some ups and downs on their journey through Eorzea, as well as some radically different looks with each expansion. The default WoL - affectionately known as Derplander or Meteor (or just simply "WoL") to the fandom at large - is depicted as a default-face Hyur midlander male, who you see immediately upon entering character customisation before changing him to your liking. Through the years, he's graduated from a fresh-faced Archer to a young but well-meaning Warrior, to becoming an iconic Dragoon, to putting down the lance in favour of a bare-fisted Monk's approach, and then later studying the blade to become a Samurai. All this culminated in the Shadowbringers (2017) trailer, where he changed from class to class in a vain attempt to beat his latest foe - and then finished up by becoming a Dark Knight against a Light-riddled sky.
Originally packaged for the Collector's Edition of Shadowbringers, which came with a special art box (a black box with an illustration by Yoshitaka Amano of a Dark Knight on a mount*), a Dark Knight figure, an art book, a reusable sticker and a playing card deck, as well as some digital in-game items (the mount Grani*, which featured on the box art, a minion of Fran from FFXII, and FFVIII's Revolver as a Gunbreaker weapon).
The statue is static, standing on a plastic base around 5cm tall. Including the base, the statue stands at around 23cm tall.

Shadowbringers box art.

He's a really sturdy figure with plenty of poking bits that'll stab you right in the hand if you're not paying attention. He stands on a bunch of rocks and lifts his greatsword one-handed.

For being a dark knight, there's some gorgeous colouration on this figure, subtle enough that it doesn't immediately draw your eye, but doesn't bore it with blackness, either. The shoes have a gradiant that ends with a surprisingly bright blue, and even the chest and back have some light golds to balance out everything else. And there's the helmet, with its asymmetrical horns, and just enough face that you remember there's someone under there.

The sword alone measures about 19cm from hilt to blade-tip. It's sturdy enough that it doesn't wobble at all, though I don't want to put too much pressure on poor WoL's arm. It's already doing so much, holding the sword up.