Originally released in 1997 on the Playstation and then rereleased in 2007 for the PSP and mobile systems, Final Fantasy Tactics is a bit of hidden gem within the fandom at large. Not a numbered title and belonging to a franchise within a franchise that is already divisive on whether or not it's "good", FFT has nonetheless enjoyed enough success not only to gain a remaster but a rejigged storyline within FFXIV's Stormblood patches as part of the 24-man raid Return To Ivalice.
With the release of War of the Lions, the remaster, a line of Trading Arts figures was produced. There are five figures in total, originally produced in blind boxes for the Japanese market only, though four of the five figures were released as a box set for the NA and EU markets. The figures stand at around 8.5cm tall each, reproduced from Akihido Yoshida's artwork of the cast. Charmingly, this includes not giving them noses. As far as character designs, Ramza and Delita are given their chapter 1 clothing, while Agrias and Ovelia don't have alternate outfits to choose from.

First up we have Ramza and Delita, who don't look at all happy to be reunited. For such small figures, the level of detail's pretty good, and they in no way feel delicate. Delita looks a little stiff compared to the other characters from the boxset, and is as pasty white as the moon, despite his sprite art being darker in tone than most of the rest of the cast in-game. It's in keeping with the official illustrations, I suppose.

Agrias and Ovelia look a little less miffed about being cast in plastic. I love the sight of these two next to each other just for their poses alone (the contrasting colours they bear are nice too). The figures also have different shades of hair colour, which I adore. It'd be too easy to slap the same blonde on them, in a title that is full of blondes.

Of course, you get to do fun things like pose them next to one another. Agrias and Ramza look like the hottest crime fighting duo of Eagrose, while Delita sure is just standing there menacingly behind his future wife!

More angles. Even though they're completely static, Agrias manages to have a little swish of hair that breathes life into her. Ramza stands on his toes, ready for anything. Delita is inscrutable, uncomfortable in this guise. And Ovelia takes up her entire little plastic podium, having nothing else of her own to bring to bear but herself.

The inner lining of Ovelia's cape is painted too, though it's hard to see - it's coloured green with a plaid or tartan design, featuring red and black stripes (in her WOTL character model, the inner lining is green with yellow and grey stripes. It's a nice touch on such a tiny figure.